How to get from Acantilados de Los Gigantes, Santa C… to Manaus, State of Amazonas

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General Information

Route - From (details)
Current Time and Date:
DMS coordinates:28° 14' 27.13488'' N
16° 50' 16.03716'' W
Coordinates GPS:28.240883
Currency:€ (Euro)
Currency ISO code and ISO numeric:EUR (978)
Timezone name:Atlantic/Canary (+0100) (WEST)
Country:Spain (ES — ESP)
Country flag:Country flag Spain
Administrative civil entity:Canarias (CN)
Political Union:European Union
State district:Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Suburb:Puerto Santiago
Traffic side:Right-hand traffic of a car
Nearest highway (speed):40
Road name, route:Avenida Quinto Centenario
Speed in:km/h
Calling Code:+34
Sun at Zenith:13:16:30
Civil Twilight Begin:07:35:05
Civil Twilight End:18:57:55
Nautical Twilight Begin:07:06:13
Nautical Twilight End:19:26:47
Astronomical Twilight Begin:06:37:50
Astronomical Twilight End:19:55:10
Golden Hour Morning Start:07:59:06
Golden Hour Morning End:08:59:06
Golden Hour Evening Start:17:33:54
Golden Hour Evening End:18:33:54
Day Length:10:34:48
Route - destination (details)
Current Time and Date:
DMS coordinates:3° 7' 8.49108'' S
60° 1' 17.95872'' W
Coordinates GPS:-3.119028
Currency:R$ (Brazilian Real)
Currency ISO code and ISO numeric:BRL (986)
Timezone name:America/Manaus (-0400) (-04)
Continent:South America
Country:Brazil (BR — BRA)
Country flag:Country flag Brazil
Administrative civil entity:State of Amazonas (AM)
City name:Manaus
State:Amazonas (AM)
State district:Região Geográfica Intermediária de Manaus
Traffic side:Right-hand traffic of a car
Road information one-way:Yes
Road name, route:Rua Silva Ramos
Speed in:km/h
Calling Code:+55
Sun at Zenith:12:09:17
Civil Twilight Begin:05:38:37
Civil Twilight End:18:39:56
Nautical Twilight Begin:05:12:42
Nautical Twilight End:19:05:52
Astronomical Twilight Begin:04:46:36
Astronomical Twilight End:19:31:58
Golden Hour Morning Start:05:59:42
Golden Hour Morning End:06:59:42
Golden Hour Evening Start:17:18:52
Golden Hour Evening End:18:18:52
Day Length:12:19:10

Detailed route on the map

Airport and Air-flight

Distance (meters)5776776.3
Distance (kilometers)5776.8
Distance (miles)3589.5
Distance (nautical miles)3119.2

Airports within a radius of 50 to 300 km

«Acantilados de Los Gigantes, Santa C…»
«Manaus, State of Amazonas»

Flight ticket price

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Bus routes


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Estimated bus routes

Bus stops within a 5 km radius

«Acantilados de Los Gigantes, Santa C…»
«Manaus, State of Amazonas»

Train routes


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Estimated train, metro routes

Train (subway) stations within a 25 km radius

«Acantilados de Los Gigantes, Santa C…»
«Manaus, State of Amazonas»

Car and ferry routes

Car and ferry

Book accommodation for rent

In this section, you will find a wide selection of hotels located in various cities, districts (states), and localities, perfectly suited for your next trip, whether it be leisure or a business meeting. We have carefully curated a list of places where you can book comfortable accommodation, whether you are traveling alone, with friends, or with family. Our catalog features localities with links for map viewing, simplifying your choice. Additionally, for your convenience, we have indicated the distance in meters to other available offers from our hotel and apartment rental partners, including private lodging options, so you can find the optimal solution that matches your preferences and budget.

Acantilados de Los Gigantes, Santa C…
Hotels, Apartments, Villas
Name of the city, district, settlementDistance in meters
1 Acantilado de los Gigantes
2 Puerto de Santiago
3 Chio
3 895
4 Alcalá
4 203
5 El Retamar
4 684
6 Tamaimo
4 684
7 Arguayo
5 432
8 Chío
5 977
9 Santiago del Teide
6 523
10 Masca
6 588
11 Guía de Isora
6 720
12 Playa de San Juan
6 877
Manaus, State of Amazonas
Hotels, Apartments, Villas
Name of the city, district, settlementDistance in meters
1 Manaus
2 Tarumã
15 616
3 Iranduba
19 625
4 Careiro da Várzea
31 484
5 Paricatuba
45 697
6 Manaquiri
52 341
7 Cajual
58 675
8 Rio Preto Da Eva
58 813
9 Manacapuru
69 525
10 Autazes
69 642
11 Careiro
86 448
12 Autazes
111 316

5-day weather forecast

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Weather forecast in «Manaus, State of Amazonas»

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Questions and Answers

The shortest distance between airports in «Acantilados de Los Gigantes, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain» and airports in «Manaus, State of Amazonas, Brazil» is:
Distance (meters)5776776.3
Distance (kilometers)5776.8
Distance (miles)3589.5
Distance (nautical miles)3119.2