
Gibraltar - Capital in Gibraltar

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General information about Gibraltar

Current time inGibraltar 
Day length10:00:31
Golden hour morning08:03:47
Golden hour evening18:57:19
Civil twilight begin08:03:47
Civil twilight end18:57:19
Nautical twilight begin07:32:11
Nautical twilight end19:28:54
Astronomical twilight begin07:01:20
Astronomical twilight end19:59:46

Understanding different times of day is important for many people, including photographers, astronomers, and sailors. Here is a brief overview of various periods that can be useful in different contexts.

Golden Hour: This is the time of morning and evening when the light is most soft and warm, making it ideal for photography. Golden Hour usually occurs just before sunset and after sunrise.

Sunrise and Sunset: These are the moments when the sun appears and disappears beyond the horizon. These moments can be particularly important for navigation and determining the time of day.

Transit: This is the time when the sun reaches its highest position in the sky. It usually occurs around midday.

Civil, Nautical, and Astronomical Twilight: These are different stages between full daylight and full darkness. Civil twilight marks the time when it is bright enough for most outdoor activities. Nautical twilight is the time when sailors can determine their location by measuring the height of stars above the horizon. Astronomical twilight is the time when the sky is dark enough for observing stars and galaxies.

Please note that specific times for each of these periods may vary depending on the season and location, so it is important to regularly check up-to-date information for your location.

City:GibraltarTimezone Name:Europe/Gibraltar
Country Flag:🇬🇮Calling Code:350
Currency Symbol:£Currency Name:Gibraltar Pound
Currency ISO Code:GIPRoad Info Speed In:km/h
Traffic Side:right
1000 m

Alternative names (city, town) Gibraltar

Open List
Calpe, Cebelitarik, Cebelitarık, Djibraltar, GIB, Gibbilterra, Gibilterra, Gibraltar, Gibraltaras, Gibraltaro, Gibraltár, Gíbraltar, Kamaka, Xibraltar, Xibraltar - Gibraltar, gybrltr, jbl tarq, jibeulolteo, jiburarutaru, mhmyt jbl tarq, zhi bu luo tuo, Ĝibraltaro, Γιβραλτάρ, Гибралтар, Ґібралтар, גיברלטר, جبل طارق, جبل‌الطارق, محمية جبل طارق, ジブラルタル, 直布罗陀, 지브롤터

Cities and Settlements within 10 km Radius


Gibraltar on the map

Routes, how to get there


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Nearest airports

Gibraltar Airport
Medium airport
Gibraltar Airport, Winston Churchill Avenue, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
1 km
Sania Ramel Airport
Medium airport
Saniat R'mel, Saniet R'mel
مطار سانية الرمل تطوان, Avenue Egypte, Souani, Tétouan تطوان, Pachalik de Tétouan باشوية تطوان, Province de Tétouan إقليم تطوان, Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma ⵟⴰⵏⵊ-ⵟⵉⵜⴰⵡⵉⵏ-ⵍⵃⵓⵙⵉⵎⴰ طنجة تطوان الحسيمة, 93006, Maroc / ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ / المغرب
61 km
Tangier Ibn Battuta Airport
Medium airport
Tanger-Boukhalef Airport, Aéroport de Tanger-Ibn Battouta
arrondissement de Tanger-Medina طنجة المدينة, طنجة, Pachalik de Tanger باشوية طنجة, Préfecture de Tanger-Assilah عمالة طنجة-أصيلة, Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma ⵟⴰⵏⵊ-ⵟⵉⵜⴰⵡⵉⵏ-ⵍⵃⵓⵙⵉⵎⴰ طنجة تطوان الحسيمة, 90045, Maroc / ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ / المغرب
69 km
Medium airport
Aeropuerto Internacional de Jerez La Parra, CA-3104, Guadalcacín, Jerez de la Frontera, Campiña de Jerez, Cádiz, Andalucía, 11591, España
92 km
Big airport
Costa del Sol,Malaga
Aeropuerto de Málaga - Costa del Sol, Avenida del Comandante García Morato, Churriana, Málaga, Málaga-Costa del Sol, Málaga, Andalucía, 29004, España
96 km
Medium airport
Aeropuerto internacional de Sevilla - San Pablo, Acceso al Aeropuerto de Sevilla, Sevilla Este, Distrito Este-Alcosa-Torreblanca, Sevilla, Andalucía, 41019, España
150 km
Cherif Al Idrissi Airport
Medium airport
Cherif El Idrissi مطار الحسيمة الشريف الإدريسي, La Rocade Méditerranéenne الطريق الساحلية المتوسطية, Souani السواني, Aït Youssef Ou Ali آيت يوسف أو علي, caïdat d’Aït Youssef ou Ali, Cercle de Bni Ouaryaghel دائرة بني ورياغل, Province d'Al Hoceïma إقليم الحسيمة, Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma ⵟⴰⵏⵊ-ⵟⵉⵜⴰⵡⵉⵏ-ⵍⵃⵓⵙⵉⵎⴰ طنجة تطوان الحسيمة, 32003, Maroc / ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ / المغرب
174 km
Medium airport
Aeropuerto de Granada - Federico García Lorca, Carretera antigua de Málaga, Santa Fe, Comarca de la Vega de Granada, Granada, Andalucía, 18330, España
182 km
Medium airport
Aeropuerto De Melilla, Avenida Juventud, Melilla, 52001, España
237 km
Nador Al Aaroui International Airport
Medium airport
Al Aroui International Airport, Arwi
Tower Nador Airport, Avenue Hassan II شارع الحسن الثاني, Al Aroui ⵍⵄⴰⵔⵡⵉ العروي, Pachalik de Al Aaroui, Province de Nador إقليم الناظور, Oriental ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵎⵓⴹⵜ الشرقية, 62550, Maroc / ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ / المغرب
246 km

Baggage storage

In your travel arrangements, there are plenty of options to consider, and we understand the importance of every detail. That's why we are pleased to offer you our convenient and reliable service - luggage storage.

While traveling, you may find the need to temporarily leave your luggage in a secure place, especially when moving between hotels, during long layovers, or if you want to free your hands for sightseeing. Our luggage storage facilities are exactly what you need! By entering search queries like "luggage storage," "baggage storage," "luggage storage in the city," or "baggage lockers," you will easily find our service.

Our service provides luggage storage facilities that guarantee the safety and protection of your luggage throughout the storage period. If you are looking for "reliable luggage storage" or "secure luggage storage lockers," our service will definitely meet your needs.

Depending on the size of your luggage, you can choose the optimal storage locker by searching for "large luggage storage lockers" or "small luggage storage lockers." We offer flexible conditions to meet the needs of every traveler.

We understand that every detail matters, and our goal is to make your journey as convenient as possible. Turn to us for reliable and secure luggage storage, and continue enjoying your trip without unnecessary worries.

Order Transfer - Airport

Transfer to and from the airport is an important part of your journey, ensuring comfort and peace of mind for the traveler. Booking an airport transfer can be done in various formats that suit any needs and budgets.

Airport transfer is a service that allows you to reach your destination without any additional stress or worries. You won't have to queue for a taxi or figure out unfamiliar public transportation. All you need to do is pre-book your airport transfer, providing all the necessary details: date and time of arrival or departure, number of passengers, destination address, and so on.

Search queries that can help you find the best transfer options may include "book airport transfer", "airport transfer", "affordable airport transfer", "comfortable airport transfer", "quick airport transfer", "high-quality airport transfer", and many others.

With a wide range of transfer services available, you can book vehicles of various classes, from economy to premium, or even a minivan for larger groups. There are also special services, such as transfer for people with limited mobility or VIP transfer with a personal driver.

When it comes to returning to the airport, you can also book a return transfer. Use queries like "return transfer to the airport", "book return airport transfer", or "reliable return transfer to the airport" to ensure a timely and safe return to your flight.

In general, airport transfer services offer convenience, time savings, and a stress-free experience. Make use of all the search options available to find the most suitable option for you.

Rent a Car

Renting a car is a convenient way to maintain your independence on the road. Whether it's a business trip, vacation, or any other need, car rental allows you to move on your own terms and manage your time more efficiently.

Booking a car rental is a simple process that starts with choosing the right rental agency. By entering search queries like "car rental", "rent a car", "car rental near me", or "long-term car rental", you can explore various offers on the market.

If you're arriving in a city by plane, renting a car at the airport may be the most convenient solution. Look for keywords like "car rental at the airport", "airport car rental", or "car rental at Gibraltar Airport" to find the best deals right on the spot.

Depending on your needs, you can book a car of a specific class, model, or brand. Use keywords like "sports car rental", "luxury car rental", or "rent an SUV" to display specific types of vehicles.

Keep in mind that there may be specific requirements for renting a car, including age restrictions, valid driver's license, and driving experience. To stay informed about all the details, try using keywords like "car rental conditions", "requirements for renting a car", or "car rental rules".

In general, car rental can be a convenient and cost-effective solution for many travelers. Use all available search tools to find the best offer and make your journey as comfortable as possible.

Sightseeing tours in Gibraltar

Take advantage of the unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of historic cities, cozy villages, and thrilling local attractions with our exclusive sightseeing tour offer. Our travel guide website to countries and interesting places serves as your reliable compass in the world of travel, opening doors to the past, present, and future of the most magical corners of our planet. Booking tours in Gibraltar is simple and convenient. Just a few steps: select a tour that reflects your interests and preferences from our diverse catalog, place your order, and make a payment. All necessary information, including a detailed tour program and group gathering instructions, will be promptly sent to your email. Don't miss the chance to enrich your life experience by exploring the hidden corners of the world accompanied by experienced guides. Allow yourself to discover new horizons, meet like-minded individuals, and gather unforgettable impressions that will become vivid colors in the palette of your life. With our unique offers, traveling becomes not just a rest but a real adventure and discovery. Book your tour today and start your unforgettable journey!
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List of Populated places near Gibraltar

In this section of our website, you will find a list of settlements, cities, municipalities, and villages located a short distance from Gibraltar. Here you will find detailed information about each, including nearby hotels, tours that will reveal the historical significance, cultural features, and attractions of these places. This list of settlements will be useful for those planning to travel around the area in search of something new and who want to discover unique places located near Gibraltar. A guide to these enchanting settlements will help you plan your travel route and enrich your experience with unique impressions.

~ 220 m.
Laguna Estate
~ 435 m.
Catalan Bay
~ 1136 m.
~ 2621 m.

List of places within a short radius of Gibraltar

In this section, we are pleased to offer you a curated selection of interesting places located near the coordinates specified on the map (open the map in a modal window) within the limits of the settlement Gibraltar. Among other things, our list includes such facilities as museums, bars, restaurants, and cafes, beaches (if the settlement is located in a coastal area), shopping and entertainment centers, parks, gardens, and squares for enjoyable walks, tourist attractions, viewing platforms with magnificent views, picturesque mountains, sports stadiums, airports for the convenience of travelers, theaters, and concert halls for lovers of cultural leisure, as well as palaces, churches, monasteries, and other historically significant places, adding a special flair to your journey. We regularly update and expand our catalog, striving to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date information. However, if you did not find the place you are interested in, please be understanding: it may already be in the process of being added to our database.

Grand Casemates
~ 42 m.
~ 138 m.
Montagu Pavilion
~ 235 m.
Marina Court
~ 244 m.
Tower of Homage
~ 256 m.
Moorish Castle
~ 272 m.
Site of Montagu Basin
~ 311 m.
Old Mole (historical)
~ 318 m.
Glacis Estate
~ 327 m.
Saint Anne’s School
~ 333 m.
Cornwall’s Parade
~ 365 m.
Waterport Wharf
~ 381 m.
Chilton Court
~ 385 m.
Casino Sunborn
~ 393 m.
House of Assembly
~ 458 m.
Lourde’s School
~ 470 m.
Hospital Steps
~ 470 m.
Tovey Battery
~ 473 m.
Edinburgh Estate
~ 474 m.
British War Memorial
~ 487 m.
Governor’s Look-out
~ 496 m.
Varyl Begg Estate
~ 504 m.
New Camp
~ 515 m.
Marina Bay
~ 525 m.
Victoria Stadium
~ 552 m.
Cross of Sacrifice
~ 555 m.
Gibraltar Memorial
~ 555 m.
H.M.S. Rooke
~ 582 m.
King's Bastion
~ 599 m.
Dock Number Four
~ 623 m.
Forbes’ Quarry
~ 624 m.
Calpe Rowing Club
~ 633 m.
Bruce’s Farm
~ 643 m.
Caledonian Canal
~ 652 m.
Upper Galleries
~ 657 m.
Governor’s Parade
~ 663 m.
The Gibraltar Museum
~ 670 m.
Cradle of History
~ 679 m.
Great Siege Tunnels
~ 680 m.

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