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General information about Masca

Current time inMasca 
Day length13:53:45
Golden hour morning06:43:33
Golden hour evening21:27:42
Civil twilight begin06:43:33
Civil twilight end21:27:42
Nautical twilight begin06:11:32
Nautical twilight end21:59:44
Astronomical twilight begin05:37:39
Astronomical twilight end22:33:37

Understanding different times of day is important for many people, including photographers, astronomers, and sailors. Here is a brief overview of various periods that can be useful in different contexts.

Golden Hour: This is the time of morning and evening when the light is most soft and warm, making it ideal for photography. Golden Hour usually occurs just before sunset and after sunrise.

Sunrise and Sunset: These are the moments when the sun appears and disappears beyond the horizon. These moments can be particularly important for navigation and determining the time of day.

Transit: This is the time when the sun reaches its highest position in the sky. It usually occurs around midday.

Civil, Nautical, and Astronomical Twilight: These are different stages between full daylight and full darkness. Civil twilight marks the time when it is bright enough for most outdoor activities. Nautical twilight is the time when sailors can determine their location by measuring the height of stars above the horizon. Astronomical twilight is the time when the sky is dark enough for observing stars and galaxies.

Please note that specific times for each of these periods may vary depending on the season and location, so it is important to regularly check up-to-date information for your location.

Continent:EuropePolitical Union:European Union
Country:SpainAdmin. City (possible):Buenavista del Norte
Timezone Name:Atlantic/CanaryCountry Flag:🇪🇸
Calling Code:34Currency Symbol:
Currency Name:EuroCurrency ISO Code:EUR
Road Info Speed In:km/hTraffic Side:right


Masca is a picturesque village and gorge in Tenerife, one of the most mesmerising and mysterious places on the island. Set among high mountains in the western part of Tenerife, the village of Masca attracts tourists with its unique architecture, narrow streets and stunning views of craggy mountains and deep gorges. It is a place where nature and history merge into one, creating the unique atmosphere of an old Canarian village.

The serpentine roads leading to Masca are known for their tight turns and magnificent panoramic views. On the way to the village, you can stop at several lookout points to admire the surroundings and take unforgettable photos. These roads are a challenge for drivers, but at the same time they are an exciting adventure to see the island from a whole new perspective.

Teno Park, where Masca is located, is one of the most important nature reserves in Tenerife. Here you can encounter rare species of flora and fauna, and explore the many hiking trails that lead through the wilderness to secluded coves and ancient lighthouses. Carved into the mountains by volcanic processes, Masca Gorge is a dramatic landscape of vertical cliffs and deep crevices, where every turn of the trail offers a new and spectacular view.

The village of Masca has retained its historic character, with stone houses with red tile roofs, traditional Canarian balconies and secluded squares creating an atmosphere of the past. The villagers are proud of their heritage and welcome travellers to sample local delicacies and learn about Masca's culture and customs.

Masca is not only a cultural treasure but also a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. The hiking trail leading from the village to Masca beach is one of the most popular walking routes in Tenerife. A walk along this trail is an opportunity to enjoy the unrivalled beauty of the gorge, experience the silence and scale of nature, and swim in the cool waters of the Atlantic Ocean at the foot of the cliffs.

Everyone who visits Masca takes away with them an unforgettable experience of wild and untouched nature, rich cultural heritage and the warm hospitality of the local people. Masca is a unique corner of Tenerife, where every stone and every curve of the path tells its own story.


The gorge and the village of Masca in Tenerife are places with a rich and unique history, which is closely linked to the geological and cultural processes of the island. Let's take a look at the main historical facts and stages of development of this region.

  1. Geological formation: The Masca Gorge was formed millions of years ago by erosion and volcanic processes. It is part of the ancient Teno volcanic complex, which formed about 5-7 million years ago. The cliffs of the gorge are composed of layers of volcanic rock including basalt and trachyte, which gives the landscape its distinctive features and colours.
  2. First settlers: The first known inhabitants of the Masca Gorge were the Guanches, the indigenous people of the Canary Islands. They used the gorge as a temporary shelter and as a place for hunting and herding. Archaeological finds, including pottery, tools and cave paintings, attest to the presence of the Guanches in the region.
  3. Spanish colonisation: After the Spanish conquest of the Canary Islands in the late 15th century, the Masca Gorge and surrounding areas were colonised. The Spanish brought their culture, architecture and agricultural traditions. The village of Masca began to take shape as an agrarian settlement where grapes, potatoes and tomatoes were grown and goats were raised.
  4. Pirate raids: In the 16th and 18th centuries, because of its remote and inaccessible location, Masca and its gorge often served as a haven for pirates and smugglers who attacked Spanish ships and traded illegally with the local population. This contributed to the development of legends and myths about the treasures supposedly hidden in the gorge.
  5. Socio-economic development: During the 19th and 20th centuries, Masca underwent significant changes. The construction of serpentine roads in the 1960s and 1970s improved the village's connectivity to the rest of the island, boosting tourism and improving the economic status of residents. The previously isolated Masca became a popular tourist destination, and locals began opening restaurants, shops and offering sightseeing services.
  6. Preservation of cultural heritage: In the late 20th and early 21st century, the government and local community organisations began to work actively to preserve the unique cultural and natural heritage of Masca. The village and the gorge are included in the Teno Nature Park, which is a specially protected natural area. This has contributed to the preservation of traditional architecture, sustainable development and attracted researchers and nature lovers from all over the world.
  7. Current status: Today Masca is one of the most visited places in Tenerife, attracting tourists with its natural beauty, unique history and traditional way of life. The village is actively developing its tourist infrastructure, while endeavouring to preserve its identity and environmental friendliness.

The story of Maski is an indicator of how deeply historical and natural processes can be interconnected, forming a unique cultural and natural landscape mosaic that continues to attract and inspire people from all over the world.

Masca Gorge

The Masca Gorge is one of the most spectacular natural wonders on the island of Tenerife, known for its dramatic landscapes and geological features. It is a key element of the Teno Natural Park and attracts explorers, geologists, ecologists and tourists from all over the world.

  1. Geological history: the Masca Gorge was formed by intense erosion caused by the action of water and wind on volcanic rocks. This process began millions of years ago when magmatic activity and subsequent cooling of lava created layered rock formations. The main rocks forming the gorge are pumice, basalt, and trachyte, each with varying degrees of resistance to erosion, which has caused the current shape of the gorge.
  2. Shape and size: The Mask Gorge is a deep and narrow cleft with vertical walls that in some places reach heights of over 600 metres. The gorge is about 5 kilometres long from the entrance to its mouth near the Atlantic Ocean. The gorge has steep slopes and winding paths that form a challenging route for walkers.
  3. Biodiversity: The Masca Gorge is home to many rare and endemic species of plants and animals. Plants such as canary cedar (Juniperus cedrus), tabaiba (Euphorbia balsamifera) and various species of succulents can be found here. The animal life is represented by birds such as the canary lentil (Serinus canaria), the peregrine falcon and unique species of lizards. This diversity makes the gorge an important object of study for biologists and ecologists.
  4. Climatic conditions: The Masca Gorge is characterised by a microclimate that is different from the rest of the island. The high walls of the gorge maintain a cooler and more humid environment. Temperatures rarely fall below +10°C in winter and rarely exceed +28°C in summer. The high gorge walls favour cloud accumulation and frequent fogs, especially in the morning and evening hours.
  5. Hydrological features: Although the gorge appears arid for most of the year, temporary streams and waterfalls form here during the winter rains. These water streams contribute to the unique flora and microclimate in the gorge. In some secluded corners of the gorge, small water bodies and wet habitats can be found, which serve as an important resource for wildlife.
  6. Hiking Significance: The Mask Gorge is a popular hiking destination due to its natural beauty and the trails that run along its floor. The route through the gorge attracts thousands of hikers each year who wish to explore its beauty and reach the remote Musca Beach. The trail requires good physical fitness, as it includes steep ascents and descents, as well as crossing small water obstacles.
  7. Archaeological and historical finds: Archaeological sites attesting to the presence of the Guanches have been discovered in the Masca Gorge. Finds include ceramic vessels, stone tools, and caves that were used for habitation and ritual purposes. These sites provide a unique opportunity to study the ancient culture and lifestyle of the island's indigenous people.
  8. Conservation and Protection: Masca Gorge is protected as part of the Teno Nature Park. Various environmental programmes are aimed at preserving its unique nature and historical heritage. Restrictions are placed on the number of visitors and access to the most sensitive parts of the gorge is managed to minimise human impact and support sustainable tourism development.

The Masca Gorge continues to be one of the symbols of Tenerife's natural beauty, attracting explorers and travellers with its unique landscapes and preserving the secrets of the island's ancient history.

Masca Village

The village of Masca in Tenerife is one of the most picturesque and unique villages on the island, famous for its history, architecture and traditional way of life. Located in the Masca Gorge, this village attracts the attention of tourists with its beauty and atmosphere. Here is a detailed description of the features of Masca Village.

  1. Geographical location: The village of Masca is located in the north-west of Tenerife, in the municipality of Buenavista del Norte. Situated about 600 metres above sea level, the village is surrounded by high mountains and cliffs, creating an impressive panoramic view.
  2. Historical development: The village of Masca was founded in the period following the Spanish colonisation of the Canary Islands in the 15th century. It developed as an agrarian settlement where the locals were mainly farmers and herders. The village retains elements of traditional Canarian architecture, including stone houses with red tile roofs and narrow cobblestone streets.
  3. Architectural features: Traditional houses in Masca are built of local stone, with roofs made of tiles or wooden beams with reeds. Many houses have patios that serve not only as protection from the sun and wind, but also as a place for family recreation. House fronts are often decorated with flowers and climbing plants, giving the streets a special flavour.
  4. Population and way of life: The modern village of Mask is a small community of about 100 people. For the most part, the villagers continue to live a traditional lifestyle, farming grapes, olives and tropical fruits, as well as raising goats. Some residents also work in the tourism industry, offering excursions, accommodation and local gastronomic products.
  5. Cultural traditions: Masca retains many old Canarian traditions, including the celebration of local festivals such as the feast of the patron saint of the village and traditional music and dance events. Traditional Canarian specialities such as potaje (local soup), almogrote (spicy cheese pasta) and various grilled meats and fish continue to be prepared here.
  6. Tourist Attraction: The village of Masca is a popular tourist destination due to its unique location, historical and cultural attractions. Tourists can visit local museums that tell about the history and nature of the region, taste the local cuisine in restaurants and cafes or buy traditional handicrafts in souvenir shops.
  7. Natural surroundings: The area around Masca offers many hiking trails leading through the gorge to Masca Beach or along neighbouring mountain paths. The scenery around the village includes high cliffs, canyons and sparse vegetation, making it an ideal location for photography and hiking.
  8. Heritage Preservation: To maintain the unique character of Masca and its surroundings, efforts are made by the island authorities and the local community to preserve traditional architecture, nature and cultural traditions. Construction and tourism activities are regulated to minimise the impact on nature and the historic environment.

The village of Masca is a unique example of Canarian culture and nature, combining ancient traditions and modern life, making it an unforgettable place for all who visit.

What to see in Masca

The village of Masca and the surrounding natural attractions are one of the most picturesque and unique places in Tenerife. Here are detailed descriptions of the main places and attractions that are a must-see to fully appreciate the beauty and historical significance of this region.

Plaza de Masca

  • - Description: The central square of the village of Masca is an important social and cultural centre where villagers and visitors gather to socialise and participate in local events. It is a place where you can experience the real rhythm of life in Masca, observe the daily activities of the inhabitants and enjoy the atmosphere of an old Canarian village.
  • - Features: The square is surrounded by characteristic stone houses with red tiles and white walls that reflect traditional Canarian architecture. The many cafes and souvenir shops around the square offer visitors the opportunity to sample local specialities and purchase unique handicrafts made by local artisans.
  • - Significance: The square is an ideal place to start exploring Masca, as it hosts many cultural and festival events that provide a deeper insight into the culture and history of the region.

Plaza de Masca

Ermita de la Inmaculada Concepción

  • - Description: This small but charming church Ermita de la Inmaculada Concepción is one of the spiritual centres of Masca and a fine example of the religious architecture of the Canary Islands. The church was built in the 18th century and has been an important part of the social and religious life of the village ever since.
  • - Architecture: The church is built in a style typical of the region, using local materials - white volcanic stone for the walls and traditional red tiles for the roof. The interior of the church is decorated with religious iconography and elements, many of which were created by local craftsmen.
  • - Cultural significance: A visit to Ermita de la Inmaculada Concepción provides an opportunity to learn about the religious traditions of the Masque and see how ancient customs and beliefs continue to play an important role in the lives of modern villagers. The church is actively used for masses and various religious festivals, making it an important symbol of the spiritual life of the community.

Ermita de la Inmaculada Concepción

The monument to D. Jose Perez Gonzalez

  • - Description: In the centre of the Masque is a monument dedicated to D. Jose Perez Gonzalez, an outstanding teacher and community leader whose life and work had a significant impact on the development of the village. This monument not only commemorates his personality, but also symbolises the respect and gratitude of the people of Masca for his contribution to education and culture.
  • - Location:The monument is located in a prominent position in the village, making it easily accessible to visitors wishing to learn more about the historical figures of the region.
  • - Significance: The monument serves as a reminder of the importance of education and cultural development in Muskie's history. It draws attention to significant figures of the past who helped shape the unique cultural and social character of the village.

Jose Perez Gonzalez

Catano Rock

  • - Description: Catano Rock is an impressive natural feature located near Musca. This rock is known for its massive size and beautiful rock formations that are the result of volcanic activity and erosion over millions of years.
  • - Trails: For nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts, Catano Rock offers many trails leading to its summit. These trails vary in difficulty and offer a unique opportunity to enjoy panoramic views of the gorge, the village and the distant horizon of the Atlantic Ocean.
  • - Views: The ascent to Catano Rock is an opportunity to see some of the most spectacular scenery in Tenerife. From the summit there are sweeping views of the surrounding mountains, gorges and vast expanses of water, making this rock a popular spot for photography and observation.

Catano Rock

Mount Tarucho

  • - Description: Mount Tarucho, located in close proximity to Maski, attracts tourists for its accessibility and beauty. This mountain is part of the mountain range surrounding the village and offers routes of varying degrees of difficulty, making it suitable for different categories of travellers.
  • - Routes: The trails here allow you to explore the local flora and fauna, enjoy the natural beauty and even spot wildlife. The trails are well marked and are suitable for short walks as well as longer hikes.
  • - Panoramas: Mount Tarucho offers magnificent views of the village of Masca, its gorge and the surrounding areas. These places are especially beautiful in the morning and evening hours, when the soft light emphasises the uniqueness and grandeur of the landscapes.

Mount Tarucho

Mirador De Cherfe

  • - Description: Mirador De Cherfe is a lookout known for its stunning views of the village of Masca and the gorge. Situated on a high cliff, it offers visitors the opportunity to see the entire village as if in the palm of their hand, as well as many mountain peaks and deep valleys.
  • - Access: The site is easily accessible to all categories of tourists, including families with children and the elderly, thanks to a convenient road and well-equipped infrastructure.
  • - Views: Mirador De Cherfe not only offers a panorama of the gorge and the village, but also a magnificent view of the coast and the Atlantic Ocean in the distance. This makes the observation deck an ideal place to take photos and simply enjoy the beauty of nature.

Mirador De Cherfe

Mirador La Cruz de Hilda

  • - Description: Mirador La Cruz de Hilda is another great point to observe the scale and beauty of the Masca Gorge. Named after local resident Hilda, this lookout is decorated with a cross and is a popular spot for sunset and sunrise encounters.
  • - Popularity: The lookout is renowned for its ability to provide visitors with unrivalled views of the village and gorge, especially at times when the sun illuminates the cliffs and valleys with a soft, warm light.
  • - Views: Mirador La Cruz de Hilda offers a bird's eye view of the winding paths, verdant slopes and panorama of the village. This is the perfect place for those seeking solitude and inspiration in nature.

Mirador La Cruz de Hilda

Mirador Altos de Baracán

  • - Description: Mirador Altos de Baracán is the highest lookout point in the vicinity of Masca, offering an even wider and more extensive view of the surrounding landscape. Situated at a considerable altitude, it is a pilgrimage site for nature lovers and photographers.
  • - Access: Accessing Mirador Altos de Baracán takes some time and effort due to its high location, but the journey is well worth it thanks to the incredible beauty from the summit.
  • - Views: The panorama from this point includes detailed views of cliffs, gorges, the village of Masca and the distant coastline. On clear days you can even see the outlines of neighbouring islands, making Mirador Altos de Baracán one of the best places to observe nature in all its glory.

Mirador Altos de Baracán

These places and landscapes of Masca are a unique combination of natural beauty and cultural diversity, making every visit here an unforgettable experience and giving a deeper insight into the true spirit of the Canary Islands.

Restaurants and bars in Masca

The village of Masca, nestled in a gorge in Tenerife, offers a unique blend of traditional Canarian food and drink that reflects the rich cultural heritage of the region. Restaurants and bars serving authentic local specialities can be found in this secluded location. Here's a detailed overview of the culinary delights that await guests in Masque.

Mojo Rojo and Mojo Verde Sauces

  • - Description: These traditional Canarian sauces are an integral part of the local cuisine. Mojo Rojo is made with red pepper, garlic, sea salt, cumin, olive oil and wine vinegar, creating a spicy and aromatic flavour. Mojo Verde, made from green bell peppers, garlic, cumin, coriander or parsley, olive oil and vinegar, offers a fresher and more herbal flavour.
  • - Use: Both sauces are often served with "papas arrugadas" (potatoes boiled in sea salt), and are also used as marinades or sauces for various meat and fish dishes.

Cactus drink

  • - Description: drinks made from local cacti are popular in Masque, offering a unique and refreshing flavour. Cactus juice is blended with other ingredients to create drinks that emphasise the island's natural diversity.
  • - Flavour: The drink has a slightly sweet flavour with a distinctive fruity note. It has a slight sourness and is suggested as a great refresher on hot days.

Fried goat cheese with blueberry jam

  • - Description: Fried goat cheese with blueberry jam is a popular dish in Masque, where local goat cheese is fried to a golden crust and served with blueberry jam, creating the perfect combination of sweetness and saltiness.
  • - Serving: This dish is often cooked over an open fire or grilled, which gives the cheese a particularly rich flavour and the jam accentuates its soft texture.

Roast goat

  • - Description: Roast goat is another dish that reflects Musca's agricultural traditions. The young goat is marinated in herbs and spices and then roasted until crispy.
  • - Taste: The dish is served with aromatic herbs and often accompanied by a side dish of vegetables or potatoes, making it incredibly flavourful and hearty.

Potatoes in peel and sea salt (Papas arrugadas)

  • - Description: Papas arrugadas are small potatoes boiled in heavily salted water, which gives them a characteristic wrinkled skin. These potatoes are one of the symbols of Canarian cuisine.
  • - Serving: Potatoes are usually served with Mojo sauces to enhance the flavour, making them the perfect side dish or a stand-alone dish.


  • - Description: Barraquito is a sweet coffee drink that traditionally includes layers of liqueur (most commonly Licor 43 or Tía María), condensed milk, black coffee and milk, often garnished with whipped cream, cinnamon and lemon or lime zest.
  • - Preparation: Start with liqueur, add condensed milk, then carefully pour in coffee and milk to create distinct layers. Finish the drink by adding cinnamon and zest over the whipped cream or directly over the milk foam.
  • - Taste: Barraquito has a rich layered flavour where the sweetness and creaminess of the milk components harmonise with the depth and aroma of the coffee and liqueur, offering an exceptional combination of flavours.

Barraquito's historical context

Interestingly, Barraquito (also known as Zaperoco) is a very popular drink in the Canary Islands, and its history is linked to several legends. According to one, the drink was named after a regular at the Bar Imperial in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, known as Don Sebastián Rubio, or "Barraco". He would order a coffee with condensed milk, liqueur, cinnamon and lemon zest, which eventually became known as the Barraquito.

When visiting Masca, you will find these and many other dishes and drinks in the local restaurants, where every foodie can discover something new and different as they immerse themselves in the gastronomic heritage of the Canary Islands.


Excursion programmes in Tenerife, especially in the Masca area, offer unique opportunities to explore the island. The variety of excursions caters for all preferences, from relaxed walking tours to outdoor activities and marine adventures.

Group Land Tours

  • - Mask Gorge Walking Tours: These tours allow participants to enjoy the magnificent scenery and learn about the rare plants and animals that inhabit the area. The duration of these tours is usually between 3 and 5 hours.
  • - Masca Village Visit: Walking tours include a visit to the village of Masca, where you can see traditional Canarian houses, narrow streets and learn about the local culture.
  • - Jeep tours: Offers jeep tours on mountain roads that include visits to remote and inaccessible places in the Teno Mountains.

Sea excursions to Masca Beach

  • - Catamaran and yacht trips: Catamaran or yacht trips allow you to see Masca Gorge from the sea and explore the coastal waters. There is a chance to see dolphins and whales during boat trips.
  • - Swimming and Snorkelling: Many boat trips include stops for swimming and snorkelling in picturesque coves with crystal clear waters where you can observe a variety of underwater life.
  • - Fishing: For fishing enthusiasts, there are specialised fishing excursions where you can try to catch tuna or other large fish.

Combination excursions

  • - Combination of walking and boat tours: Some organisers offer tours that start with a hike down the Masca Gorge and end with a boat trip to Masca Beach. This allows you to enjoy nature from different angles.

Cultural and educational excursions

  • - Guided tours of Masca Village: Learn about the history and traditions of Masca while visiting local museums, architectural monuments and meeting locals.
  • - Photo Tours: For photographers and those who love to take pictures, special tours are organised that take you to the most picturesque parts of the gorge and village.

These tours provide a complete immersion in the natural and cultural richness of Masca, making a visit to the area an unforgettable adventure for every traveller.

Book a walking tour

How to get to Masca

Getting to Masca, one of the most famous and scenic spots in Tenerife, can be done in a variety of ways, depending on preference and location. Below are detailed instructions on how to get to Masca by car, bus, and other means.

By Car

  • From Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Follow the TF-5 motorway towards Icod de los Vinos, then continue on the TF-42 road. After Icod, change to road TF-436 which leads directly to Masca. This route takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • From Costa Adeje: Take the TF-1 motorway towards Santiago del Teide, then change to road TF-82 and then to TF-436, which leads to Masca. The journey will take about 1 hour.
  • From Los Cristianos: Take TF-1 north, then switch to TF-82 via Guia de Isora and Adeje, then follow signs for TF-436 to Masca. The journey time will be approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.
  • Road Details: The TF-436 road is known for its tight turns and spectacular views. Drivers should be careful on the serpentines and be aware of possible parking difficulties during popular hours.

Transport routes

By bus

  • Buses from different parts of the island: The most popular route is bus №355, which runs between Buena Vista and Masca. This route is operated by the TITSA bus company.
  • From Santa Cruz de Tenerife: You can take bus №363 to Buena Vista and then change to bus number №355 to Masca. Total journey time will be approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.
  • From Costa Adeje: Bus №460 to Guia de Isora, then change to №369 to Buena Vista and №355 to Masca. Travel time will be approximately 3 hours.
  • Timetable and frequency: Buses run with limited frequency, especially at weekends, so it is worth checking the timetable on the TITSA website in advance.

On foot

  • Trail from Santiago del Teide: For hikers, there is a marked trail that connects Santiago del Teide to Masca. The walk will take about 3-4 hours one way and is about 5 kilometres long.
  • Masca Beach Trail: This is a popular route for tourists wishing to combine hiking with a beach holiday. The trail starts in the village of Masca and leads to Masca Beach, it is about 3 kilometres long and takes 2-3 hours to descend.

By the sea

  • Catamarans and yachts from Los Gigantes: Regular boat trips by catamaran and yacht to Masca Beach start from the port of Los Gigantes. The journey takes about 30 minutes and offers unbeatable views of the gorge and ocean.

The choice of how to get to Masca depends on your interests, budget and preferences for comfort and adventure.

It is essential to keep clean and preserve nature

To maintain cleanliness and conservation, every visitor and local resident can do their part. It is important to follow basic rules and guidelines that will help preserve nature's bounty for future generations. Here are the main courses of action:

Don't leave rubbish

  • - Dispose of waste properly: Always clean up after yourself by using the installed separate waste collection bins. If you can't find a bin nearby, it is better to take your rubbish with you and dispose of it in a more suitable place.
  • - Minimise the use of disposables: Use reusable water bottles, thermoses, food containers and buy food with minimal packaging to reduce waste.

Care for nature

  • - Do not pick plants or disturb animals: Follow the rules of behaviour in protected areas, do not pick flowers or catch insects and animals. Remember that each element of the ecosystem has a role to play.
  • - Use only marked trails: When hiking and camping, follow marked trails to avoid damaging vegetation or disturbing natural processes.

Support ecotourism

  • - Choose environmentally responsible tours: Give preference to ecotourism programmes and operators that support sustainable practices and invest in preserving the places they help explore.
  • - Comply with local environmental laws and guidelines**: Stay informed about local conservation regulations and laws. Following these rules will help support efforts to conserve unique landscapes and biodiversity.

By following these simple but effective guidelines, each of us can help keep nature clean and beautiful while contributing to sustainable development and environmental protection.

1000 m

Alternative names (city, town) Masca

Open List
Masca, Maska, Маска

Cities and Settlements within 10 km Radius


Masca on the map

Routes, how to get there


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Nearest airports

Big airport
Canary Islands, Reina Sofía, TCI, Tenerife South
Aeropuerto de Tenerife Sur, Calle Formentera, La Tejita, Granadilla de Abona, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarias, 38612, España
39 km
Small airport
Aeropuerto de La Gomera, CV-11, Antoncojo, Alajeró, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarias, España
48 km
Medium airport
Canary Islands, Los Rodeos, TCI
Aeropuerto de Tenerife Norte, Calle Nuestra Señora de Loreto, La Costurera, El Coromoto, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarias, 38200, España
53 km
Medium airport
Aeropuerto de La Palma, Carretera Aeropuerto, Villa de Mazo, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarias, 38711, España
96 km
Medium airport
Hierro,El Hierro
Aeropuerto de El Hierro, HI-3, Valverde, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarias, 38910, España
116 km
Big airport
Canary Islands, Las Palmas Airport, Gando Airport
Aeropuerto de Gran Canaria, Calle Kant, Las Puntillas, Ingenio, Las Palmas, Canarias, 35240, España
149 km
Big airport
Terminal de Llegadas Aeropuerto de Fuerteventura, FV-2, El Matorral, Puerto del Rosario, Las Palmas, Canarias, 35310, España
292 km
Big airport
Arrecife Airport
Aeropuerto César Manrique Lanzarote, Calle Anzuelo, Playa Honda, San Bartolomé, Las Palmas, Canarias, 35509, España
324 km
Hassan I Airport
Medium airport
GSAI, Laâyoune
Aéroport Laâyoune Hassan 1er مطار العيون الحسن الأول, Boulevard Arrajae, Laâyoune العيون, Pachalik de Laâyoune باشوية العيون, Province de Laâyoune إقليم العيون, 70015, Maroc / ⵍⵎⵖⵔⵉⴱ / المغرب
379 km
Medium airport
LPFU, Madeira, Funchal
Aeroporto Internacional da Madeira - Cristiano Ronaldo, Túnel da Queimada, Água de Pena, Machico, Madeira, 9200-126, Portugal
488 km

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We understand that every detail matters, and our goal is to make your journey as convenient as possible. Turn to us for reliable and secure luggage storage, and continue enjoying your trip without unnecessary worries.

Order Transfer - Airport

Transfer to and from the airport is an important part of your journey, ensuring comfort and peace of mind for the traveler. Booking an airport transfer can be done in various formats that suit any needs and budgets.

Airport transfer is a service that allows you to reach your destination without any additional stress or worries. You won't have to queue for a taxi or figure out unfamiliar public transportation. All you need to do is pre-book your airport transfer, providing all the necessary details: date and time of arrival or departure, number of passengers, destination address, and so on.

Search queries that can help you find the best transfer options may include "book airport transfer", "airport transfer", "affordable airport transfer", "comfortable airport transfer", "quick airport transfer", "high-quality airport transfer", and many others.

With a wide range of transfer services available, you can book vehicles of various classes, from economy to premium, or even a minivan for larger groups. There are also special services, such as transfer for people with limited mobility or VIP transfer with a personal driver.

When it comes to returning to the airport, you can also book a return transfer. Use queries like "return transfer to the airport", "book return airport transfer", or "reliable return transfer to the airport" to ensure a timely and safe return to your flight.

In general, airport transfer services offer convenience, time savings, and a stress-free experience. Make use of all the search options available to find the most suitable option for you.

Rent a Car

Renting a car is a convenient way to maintain your independence on the road. Whether it's a business trip, vacation, or any other need, car rental allows you to move on your own terms and manage your time more efficiently.

Booking a car rental is a simple process that starts with choosing the right rental agency. By entering search queries like "car rental", "rent a car", "car rental near me", or "long-term car rental", you can explore various offers on the market.

If you're arriving in a city by plane, renting a car at the airport may be the most convenient solution. Look for keywords like "car rental at the airport", "airport car rental", or "car rental at Tenerife Sur Airport" to find the best deals right on the spot.

Depending on your needs, you can book a car of a specific class, model, or brand. Use keywords like "sports car rental", "luxury car rental", or "rent an SUV" to display specific types of vehicles.

Keep in mind that there may be specific requirements for renting a car, including age restrictions, valid driver's license, and driving experience. To stay informed about all the details, try using keywords like "car rental conditions", "requirements for renting a car", or "car rental rules".

In general, car rental can be a convenient and cost-effective solution for many travelers. Use all available search tools to find the best offer and make your journey as comfortable as possible.

Sightseeing tours in Masca

Take advantage of the unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of historic cities, cozy villages, and thrilling local attractions with our exclusive sightseeing tour offer. Our travel guide website to countries and interesting places serves as your reliable compass in the world of travel, opening doors to the past, present, and future of the most magical corners of our planet. Booking tours in Masca is simple and convenient. Just a few steps: select a tour that reflects your interests and preferences from our diverse catalog, place your order, and make a payment. All necessary information, including a detailed tour program and group gathering instructions, will be promptly sent to your email. Don't miss the chance to enrich your life experience by exploring the hidden corners of the world accompanied by experienced guides. Allow yourself to discover new horizons, meet like-minded individuals, and gather unforgettable impressions that will become vivid colors in the palette of your life. With our unique offers, traveling becomes not just a rest but a real adventure and discovery. Book your tour today and start your unforgettable journey!
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List of Populated places near Masca

In this section of our website, you will find a list of settlements, cities, municipalities, and villages located a short distance from Masca. Here you will find detailed information about each, including nearby hotels, tours that will reveal the historical significance, cultural features, and attractions of these places. This list of settlements will be useful for those planning to travel around the area in search of something new and who want to discover unique places located near Masca. A guide to these enchanting settlements will help you plan your travel route and enrich your experience with unique impressions.

Portela Baja
~ 1460 m.
Portela Alta
~ 1460 m.
Los Carrizales
~ 2170 m.
Lomo de Masca
~ 2547 m.
Santiago del Teide
~ 2714 m.
Las Palmas
~ 3202 m.
~ 3247 m.
El Molledo
~ 3311 m.
Valle de Arriba
~ 3666 m.
El Retamar
~ 3835 m.
Herjos del Tanque
~ 4160 m.
~ 4394 m.
Santiago del Teide
~ 4951 m.
Cuevas del Palmar
~ 5064 m.
Buenavista del Norte
~ 5144 m.
~ 5227 m.
Las Lagunetas
~ 5763 m.
~ 5763 m.

List of places within a short radius of Masca

In this section, we are pleased to offer you a curated selection of interesting places located near the coordinates specified on the map (open the map in a modal window) within the limits of the settlement Masca. Among other things, our list includes such facilities as museums, bars, restaurants, and cafes, beaches (if the settlement is located in a coastal area), shopping and entertainment centers, parks, gardens, and squares for enjoyable walks, tourist attractions, viewing platforms with magnificent views, picturesque mountains, sports stadiums, airports for the convenience of travelers, theaters, and concert halls for lovers of cultural leisure, as well as palaces, churches, monasteries, and other historically significant places, adding a special flair to your journey. We regularly update and expand our catalog, striving to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date information. However, if you did not find the place you are interested in, please be understanding: it may already be in the process of being added to our database.

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