How to get from Edinburg, TX, USA to Bogotá, Bogota

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General Information

Route - From (details)
Current Time and Date:
DMS coordinates:26° 18' 6.37056'' N
98° 9' 48.70404'' W
Coordinates GPS:26.301737
Currency:$ (United States Dollar)
Currency ISO code and ISO numeric:USD (840)
Timezone name:America/Chicago (-0500) (CDT)
Continent:North America
Country:United States (US — USA)
Country flag:Country flag United States
Administrative civil entity:Texas (TX)
City name:Edinburg
State:Texas (TX)
Municipality:Hidalgo County
Traffic side:Right-hand traffic of a car
Road information one-way:No
Road name, route:North 10th Avenue
Speed in:mph
Calling Code:+1
Sun at Zenith:13:26:09
Civil Twilight Begin:06:57:14
Civil Twilight End:19:55:04
Nautical Twilight Begin:06:30:19
Nautical Twilight End:20:21:58
Astronomical Twilight Begin:06:03:14
Astronomical Twilight End:20:49:04
Golden Hour Morning Start:07:19:08
Golden Hour Morning End:08:19:08
Golden Hour Evening Start:18:33:10
Golden Hour Evening End:19:33:10
Day Length:12:14:02
Route - destination (details)
Current Time and Date:
DMS coordinates:4° 42' 39.29328'' N
74° 4' 19.50492'' W
Coordinates GPS:4.710989
Currency:$ (Colombian Peso)
Currency ISO code and ISO numeric:COP (170)
Timezone name:America/Bogota (-0500) (-05)
Continent:South America
Country:Colombia (CO — COL)
Country flag:Country flag Colombia
Administrative civil entity:Bogota
City name:Bogota
Suburb:Localidad Suba
Quarter:UPZ Niza
Traffic side:Right-hand traffic of a car
Road information one-way:Yes
Road name, route:Avenida Calle 127
Speed in:km/h
Calling Code:+57
Sun at Zenith:11:49:48
Civil Twilight Begin:05:25:22
Civil Twilight End:18:14:15
Nautical Twilight Begin:05:01:16
Nautical Twilight End:18:38:21
Astronomical Twilight Begin:04:37:10
Astronomical Twilight End:19:02:27
Golden Hour Morning Start:05:45:02
Golden Hour Morning End:06:45:02
Golden Hour Evening Start:16:54:35
Golden Hour Evening End:17:54:35
Day Length:12:09:33

Detailed route on the map

Airport and Air-flight

Distance (meters)3505052.7
Distance (kilometers)3505.1
Distance (miles)2177.9
Distance (nautical miles)1892.6

Airports within a radius of 50 to 300 km

«Edinburg, TX, USA»
«Bogotá, Bogota»

Flight ticket price

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Bus routes


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Bus stops within a 5 km radius

«Edinburg, TX, USA»
«Bogotá, Bogota»

Train routes


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Train (subway) stations within a 25 km radius

«Edinburg, TX, USA»
«Bogotá, Bogota»

Car and ferry routes

Car and ferry

Book accommodation for rent

In this section, you will find a wide selection of hotels located in various cities, districts (states), and localities, perfectly suited for your next trip, whether it be leisure or a business meeting. We have carefully curated a list of places where you can book comfortable accommodation, whether you are traveling alone, with friends, or with family. Our catalog features localities with links for map viewing, simplifying your choice. Additionally, for your convenience, we have indicated the distance in meters to other available offers from our hotel and apartment rental partners, including private lodging options, so you can find the optimal solution that matches your preferences and budget.

Edinburg, TX, USA
Hotels, Apartments, Villas
Name of the city, district, settlementDistance in meters
1 Edinburg
2 Pharr
12 100
3 San Juan
12 574
4 McAllen
12 809
5 Alamo
13 776
6 Donna
18 400
7 Mission
18 751
8 Weslaco
23 411
9 Hidalgo
24 529
10 Mercedes
30 150
11 La Joya
32 268
12 La Feria
37 439
Bogotá, Bogota
Hotels, Apartments, Villas
Name of the city, district, settlementDistance in meters
1 Bogotá
10 513
2 Cundinamarca
10 934
3 Cota
11 416
4 La Calera
11 479
5 Funza
16 037
6 La Loma
16 757
7 Chía
17 321
8 El Apogeo
17 441
9 Mosquera
17 556
10 Santa Ana
17 876
11 Florencia
17 904
12 El Rincón
18 367

5-day weather forecast

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Weather forecast in «Bogotá, Bogota»

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Questions and Answers

The shortest distance between airports in «Edinburg, TX, USA» and airports in «Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia» is:
Distance (meters)3505052.7
Distance (kilometers)3505.1
Distance (miles)2177.9
Distance (nautical miles)1892.6